About Artificial Intelligence.

About Artificial Intelligence.

Rajdeep Bhattacharya
2 min readJun 23, 2024

It was only in and around the beginning of this century (2000) we used to hear about researches being done on enabling computers to think on their own and Fuzzy Logic and all. Thought of it as scientific innovation on the edge or may be science fiction.

And look where we stand today in 2018, on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution. Yes the first was driven by the invention of the Steam Engines in the year 1784, the second was driven by the invention of Electricity in 1870, the fourth was driven by the start of the Information Technology era in 1969 and the fourth which is still in its infancy will be driven by Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence or AI is now at the ANI or Artificial Narrow Intelligence Stage and can be compared with machines having capabilities to that of a human infant. We are entering the second phase of AI development AGI or Artificial General Intelligence in and around 2020 when we may compare machines to having capabilities like that of an adult human like power of reasoning, problem solving and abstract thinking. The third stage in AI’s development, the ASI or Artificial Super Intelligence is predicted to arrive sometime after 2050.

Now it has been seen that progress and development always have the snowballing effect or in simple words it accelerates. And these industrial revolutions are nodes in that graph where we see the spikes. In other words the industrial revolutions are triggered by the invention of a mass technology which eventually triggers the invention and popularization of other technologies.

Steam Engine, Electricity, Information Technology all have pushed the limits of human development through their huge effect on our economy.

We still don’t know what awaits us hence there are both positive and negative speculations. Let’s hope AI will make our world a beautiful one.



Rajdeep Bhattacharya

Technology enthusiast, searching for knowledge on the edges of this age.